The Puptuals: Masterpieces

After creating cartoon versions of our Shelties, it occurred to me right before Thanksgiving how funny it would be if they found their way into Norman Rockwell's famous painting where the family is around the table.

With some finesse, I was able to position them at opposite sides of the table. To add to the humor, I decided the two of them would be reaching across the table -- something none of the other people in the painting are doing. 

I adds a brashness to the painting. 

By doing this, I stumbled upon something. "The Freedom From Want" was a gateway painting. 

Through November and December, I started adding Nigra and Maeve to other famous paintings. Nigra made an appearance in front of "The Girl With the Pearl Earring" sporting her own pearl earring. Then, she rested her arms and paws on a stool, much like Mona did. She stood right in front of the "Mona Lisa," and looks slightly amused, too. 

Maeve is a hot mess, and was placed in paintings that allowed for that to shine through. She hung from one of Vincent Van Gogh's cypress trees in "Starry, Starry Night," and it looks like she's singing -- one of her little arms is stretched out, her mouth open, and her eyes closed. In another suitable painting, I stood her in front of the hollering bald dude in Edvard Munch's "The Scream." Both of them have their hands/paws up next to their mouths, their jaws wide open. 

Not only did they both appear in the Norman Rockwell painting, but I also stood them in front of the solemn couple in "American Gothic" and made sure they held their own yard tools: a little shovel and a little rake. 

Lately, instead of putting the Girls in the famous paintings, I've decided to start creating parodies of them. It adds a fluffiness that I find lacking in art history.  

So, I shall hang those in my gallery here at MoMBoP, the Museum of My Bucket of Parts:

"American Dogthic" 

"Whistler's Raible"