...and that's a sad wrap
I've been trapped. My creativity's been stagnant, and there's no excuse really, because sitting and writing produces more sitting and writing, but when one doesn't sit and write, the sitting and writing becomes more difficult.
I didn't oil the machine enough these past 40 days and 40 nights, and because of that, I became stiff like the Tin Woodsman, and the posts became harder and harder to write.

To the point where the well dried up.
So, this is me waving my white flag. I'm three weeks overdue for at least 15 posts (maybe more), and I'll have to try again next year for a more successful Blog-Post-A-Thon.
I've not been in a very good place lately, and the whimsy I typically write with has been hiding under the couch. Blame an anxiety disorder, blame the beginning of track season, blame my sad lack of drive recently, blame the school schedule that I'm (finally) getting used to, blame the Beetle. Blame it all. It all twisted up into a perfect storm that has made me sit still.
And the click of the keyboard has remained silent.
Let's hope for some of that to abate, and with that, I present to you Ordinary Time.
No theme, but no pressure. No corner to paint myself into. Just whatever.