This is more difficult than I thought it would be
While some people were all giving up chocolate or coffee for Lent, I decided to go after my website and post for 40 days (and 40 nights).
I figured it'd be a breeze. Just be random, I thought. I don't need to be too thoughtful, and my goal wasn't to sit down and make anybody think. Write, write, write.
And then, I find that I am a few days behind.

Writing a mad dash with a plot is much easier than coming up with new ideas on a nightly basis, hence videos and random Thomas Jefferson quotes.
This very post, originally, had a very different title. I opened it up, suspecting some bait for my mind, but instead nothing was there for me to add on to.
All I had was the title.
"I'm going to do this for real this time."
What was I going to do for real? It could be any number of things. I'm an irrational person.
Perhaps I was going to get a tattoo for real.
Bungee jump?
Knit a sweater?
Who knows.
But what I am going to do for real is finish these 40 posts.