
Now, I'm just as worried as the rest of the flock with this coming storm, but for most of us, it looks like we'll be stuck for one day -- two tops.

So, I'm baffled with the shopping habits of the masses.

Entire stocks of bread were wiped out. Bananas were non-existent. Everybody wanted ALL the milk.

Now, I know this isn't bizarre, as it's happened before and will happen whenever there's another snow-storm-blizzard-thing, but as I hunker down with the rest of y'all, there are some observations I made while out and about last night trying to do my regular grocery shopping for the end of all time week.

I am no food scientist, but bread of late must have all the essential vitamins one must need for survival. This explains why it's picked over or gone. The last thing I think about when terror is on the horizon is bread. If we're going to be snowed in for a day or two, why bread? Is that all you're going to eat? Sure, if power goes out, we can load our stomachs up with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Yes, whole grains are important, but they're not the only thing you can eat.

Is bread versatile? I guess it could be placed by doors and windows to help absorb infiltrating cold air. Do families just sit around, waiting for the wind to die down, while eating their own loaf of bread?

Is it used as a way to pass time?

"But, mom, I'm SO bored!"

"Eat your bread!"

You should have grabbed a few bunches of bananas -- what? They were gone, too? I see. I guess I wouldn't want to just snack on plantains, either.

The water was also picked over. Like, you can't just fill up a few of your own containers and store those in the fridge?

Only in America are people saying, "I am not drinking water that comes out of the faucet." Instead, we would rather drink water that comes out of some manufacturer's faucet. Their faucet must be so much cleaner than our own. Well, for some of you, that may be the case. I'm sure there are many of you that have yucky kitchens that I wouldn't want to eat or drink anything from, either.

You dirty.

What made me a tad bit perturbed were the shopping carts.

People were all, "There are no shopping carts to be found anywhere!" That statement wasn't entirely true. While there were masses of peeps all throughout the store, many of those missing carts were out in the parking lot looking wayward and abandoned. Driving by one lady, she just shoved the cart in a snow bank close to her car. It wasn't her problem anymore, was it? That's when I feel bad for the teenager Meijer workers who have to traverse through the parking lot in the style of "Lord of the Rings" on a journey of a lifetime.
