Snowmaggedon, Part 3: Polar Vortex Depressive Disorder
I don't subscribe to the Farmer's Almanac, but I did hear someone say earlier this year that this current winter would be very snowy. My internal barometer agreed. I don't know why it agreed, and I have no knowledge about weather patterns and meteorology to help me agree. It just did.

Then, I started to levitate and spin like a weather vane.
Or, I just agreed because part of me thought, "Yeah, I think we're due for a doozy."
I said one doozy. Not five. These doozies just keep coming.

If you look inside your DSM 5, you'll see that PVDD is a grab bag of cabin fever, boredom, wanderlust, "The Shining" and fibromyalgia.

Trees are giving up. Furnaces are giving up. People are giving up.
Don't give up, though. We are all in this together. None of us are alone.
Except that person over there in the small black Honda. Yeah, you. You were driving like a nincompoop and slid off the road, down a small hill and can't get out, so, yes, you are alone. At least, until help comes.
But the rest of us cozied up in our houses, avoiding the white-out conditions, with crazy dogs that can't go out and play, with crazy children that can't go out and play, with crazy old people that can't go out and play -- we can get through this, and get through this we will.