Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It -- We Need People, Go Find the People! (Part 2)
Depending on where we are living (I'm assuming a larger house. I'm not sure how we acquired this house, but that's a piece for a later day), our horses will be stored in the garage. With their hay. And Trough. We've turned that five car garage into a horse barn. How cool is that?
It's an American Girl doll's dream come true.
Except for the smell.
"Shut the door!"

So, a sleigh it is. And at Christmas Time we'll have jingle bells -- unless it's dangerous and gives away our positions, then we'll have our own gun toting vigilante. His name will be Klaus, and he'll fight for the
A big concern, minus food and the preservation of veggies through canning, will be protection. Boots, especially. In this day and age, we are spoiled by our footwear. We've come a long way since the Civil War where I've read horror stories about poor footwear, bleeding feet, trench foot, etc. We either go after some crazy-good boots at an outdoor/sporting goods store or we wrap towels around our feet. And tennis rackets when the snow is really deep, because tennis rackets look like snow shoes, so they'll work just the same, right?

I hope all of Nigella Lawson's recipes translate well with rabbit, squirrel and deer.
At night, we'll bring our packs around the fire and sleep. That part will become comforting. With all the work that's to be done, we'll all fall asleep at the same time, but if you wanted to stay awake and read (books will still be around), you don't have to worry about anyone being bothered by the fire light.