Fables Vol. 17 & 18
In the most recent editions of the "Fables" series, we find the focus on the children of Snow White and Bigby. First, we're on the look out for a new North Wind, since the original took care of the most recent "Big Bad" that Bill Willingham came up with -- Mr. Dark, some kind of mythical being that embodied darkness (obviously) and was impossible to kill.
Wrote ourselves into a corners, didn't we? Well, luckily the children's grandpa was able to "off" Mr. Dark, and we could all move on. It's time to find the new King of the North, or the North Wind. I find reading this graphic novel series very similar to watching a TV series that airs during the summer. Or even a cable show. I binge read as much as I could, just like anyone binge watches a TV show on Netflix, and now that I'm caught up with the series, I have to wait just like everyone else.

I could buy each issue one-by-one, but I like having the entire story arc in my hands as a giant paper back. Well, not giant. They're just a little over 120 pages, but you get my drift -- if you're even reading this.
Maybe I won't write "Fables" book reviews anymore. They're just too hard.
You're not, are you?
Meanwhile, we are in the Pan Ozian empire with Bufkin (our friend the flying monkey from "The Wizard of Oz") and cohorts. We seem to be planning a revolt, but Bufkin gets caught. He's sentenced to execution by hanging, and then right as the floor drops, with the noose around his neck, the story ends.
What? We have no clue if he's alive and well and saved, or if he meets a terrible end. We also don't find out until -- wait a second. I'm just giving a synopsis of the stories. This isn't a review!
What is wrong with me?
"Inherit the Wind" (Fables, Vol. 17) took the "Fables" series in a direction where the characters weren't molested by some big, bad force inhibiting their chance for normal lives and survival. Instead, the camera zoomed in on a family and how they needed to find a leader among a set of sextuplets, who are all very minor characters. Sure, it's exciting to see the crowning of the new North Wind, but since we don't really know any of these children, we really don't care.
After we've inherited our wind, we're still hanging out with all these kids, but "Cubs in Toyland" (Fables, Vol. 18) started to make you care about these minor characters. I didn't see this storyline coming. This storyline took balls to write because it's a loss of innocence story, and the way it was told and how it was told was...just...well...wow.