It's swaggering...

My students hear all the time that I used to write for the campus newspaper when I was in college. They hear me say it, and I'm sure they know I'm legit because I kind of know what I'm talking about when it comes to teaching them the trade, but today I shattered the silence and shared one of the stories (it was about chewing tobacco) with them today and it was swaggering...

Um, yeah...

As I read the story aloud, I came to this sentence:

After I read that sentence, I thought to myself, "That doesn't sound right." Well, that's because:

And if you look at the definition of the verb:

So, apparently, in all my amazing reporter ways, I had a sentence published that tells the reader that the statistics of oral cancer walk around with a defiant strut. That oral cancer statistics can brag very noisily. I never did meet an oral cancer statistic that I liked. They're not very humble, are they?

Besides that AP Style fail, and another sentence in the story that's a bit jumbly, it's not really that bad of a story. If you would like to take a look at it yourself, I have provided it here for your viewing pleasure.