Wee! Bookmarks!
I’m a Google Chrome Fanatic. I live and die by Google Chrome. Explorer, Safari, nor Firefox allows you to download and play Angry Birds, but that’s not the only reason I praise Chrome to the highest heavens.
I’m also a Google Fiend. I love Google.
No, Luurve it.
La-ha-ha-ha-urrvvve it.
So, of course I will support Google by using it’s browser. Really, though, it does the most, in my opinion. But recently I’ve discovered an archaic Internet feature that all web browsers feature that I have always scoffed at. I’m not a fan of clutter. My computer is the one true place that I can keep clutter-free. I feel that way about my desktop. It is squeaky-clean. I do not have any links or shortcuts on the desktop, nor do I keep files that I need to access. I just have the recycling bin. I’m a computer minimalist.
But I do most of my “work” on the web, since everything is in the “cloud” these days. Back to the archaic Internet tool that I was speaking of… I never used it before because it was a way of cluttering my browser, and although you couldn’t see the bookmarks, I never wanted to use them. So, I set up a Delicious account, which was then moved to Google Bookmarks (see above). I figured I could access (from anywhere) all the bookmarks I may want.
I realized lately that bookmarks on the web browser can be super-dee-duper. Plus, they look kind of pretty on the Chrome browser:

And that’s what I wanted to write about because I had nothing interesting to say, but wanted to write anyways.