The Best of Antiquing

 I had to take a picture of the wonderful Miss Piggy piggy bank. Notice the coin slot as cleavage.

Someday I will own this type of Pyrex. It's my favorite. 

These fancy binoculars close nicely and could fit in my purse.

I remember him and this sign.

I can't think of anything to say here.

This is how dinners should be served. 

These two are in every antique store I go to. I think they're stalking me.

Because people actually collect these...

Best. Record. Ever.

Best. Book. Ever.

The store had some fun old-fashioned candies.

I liked these riding boots. They may be a bit too fashion-forward for Indiana. Also, about $125.

She's watching you.

Scariest. Bear. Ever.

From when Dickens published it the FIRST time...
