"The Silver Chair" by C.S. Lewis

It's this landscape that I envision when I read "The Silver Chair," while our heroes Eustace, Jill and a Marsh Wriggle named Puddleglum traversed through the northern most reaches of Narnia.
Lewis has once more written with the formula of "the quest." There is err in Narnia, which must be solved with the rescuing of Prince Rilian, Caspian's son. Caspian decides to take one last sail across the ocean, toward Aslan's country, without realizing that Eustace, Jill and Puddleglum decide to go search for Rilian, because, really, Caspian is looking old. Plus, he has no clue that this son of Adam and daughter of Eve are even around.
So, off we go, the narrator tells us, as we travel through hazardous giant country, and then, deeper underground, where the Underground People are ruled by, could it possibly be? Yes. Another nasty witch-queen. We have some dangerous run-ins with weather and giants, Underground People and the witch, who is slain in a anti-climactic fight sequence that will, hopefully, be out-done if this ever becomes a movie (which, if my calculations are correct, should be the next installment in the recent makings).
I felt like I was losing steam with the sixth book. The great quest they were on seemed simplified. I remember "Prince Caspian" being so much more complex, even "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" was more complex. This one felt like it was peetering out. Although, one of the best scenes was when we come to Rilian, whom we're not quite sure if it is him or not. This is also the scene where the title of "The Silver Chair" makes sense.