AAAAAHHH! Random weather
Do you see all that blue? It's becoming weekly, bi-weekly even. Sometimes it cancels school (only once for me) and other times, it wrecks havoc on the roads for a two-hour delay. Those two-hour delays wreck havoc on the normal school day. The kids are all wound up, one of my classes gets cut in half, and so we can't get anything done, and they all run around like they've been lit on fire.
Speaking of lit fire, I just let the Girls in and someone was using their fireplace. We haven't even opened our fireplace since we lived in our house, but I do enjoy the smell of a fire. As cold as it might be out, I just hold the porch open and inhale the scent. It reminds me of Connor Prairie.
With all the two-hour delays, as nice as they are with sleep upkeep, it does not keep the kiddos at bay.
We woke up this morning, and it could've been because I had no school today, but I the snowfall was a surprise. I hadn't heard about it coming our way. Usually I, like any other student and teacher, obsess about it.
I can't keep my thoughts straight.