Mad Men? More like Viagra Men

I know that my writing in the blog-o-sphere isn't widely read. I don't update it enough on a regular basis, and although I have big dreams of one day taking this blog national, I do enjoy when someone stumbles upon my blog and comments on writings. 

Except when it's penis enlargement advertisers. 

One comment on one of my blogs was just a bunch of links posted with the word Viagra:

What a wonderful comment Mysterious Cheap Viagra Man. I'm so pleased you enjoyed my writing and that it lifted you up. Lifted what up? Oh. That's been lifted up? 

I think my favorite is "watermelon viagra" at the end of it. 

The other comment on my blog must've been some kind of search. Last summer, I wrote about a tree/bush that grows in our backyard and we call it the Penis Berry Tree. It grows interesting flowers that look just a bit questionable. 

Well, some man out there must've Google-searched the word "penis" and found my blog, and then he decided to post a nice comment on it: 

"Well, penises don't just grow on trees." 

The comment said his name was Aaron, and it was hyperlinked, so I clicked on it and it took me here

Apparently, he owns a business called C**k Gym. So, yet again, I was commented on by another fan of penis enhancement. C**k Gym even has a YouTube channel...

I am now making a call to action. Before someone else comment litters on my blog, will someone please read what I write and comment on it before another penis enlargement man tackles my blog and advertises for bigger, hairier members?

Thank you. 

Posted via email from My Bucket of Parts
