"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nightime" by Mark Haddon

It was also short, and my goal during the summer is to read a butt-load. I also want to read literature and "thinking" books, but when I sit down with them, I'm not as pleased as I thought I would be. During the summer, I want quick reads and good stories. If the writing is well-done, then that's an added bonus.
Lucky with this book, I had both.
One of my all-time favorite things an author can do is create a first-person account that a reader cannot fully trust.
Christopher, the narrator of the novel and also a 15-year-old with autism, is writing a book (which is what we're reading) about his detective work of a murdered dog.
Do not think you are going to be reading an interesting take on a mystery. A mystery, it is not. Half-way through the novel, everything is given away in one fell swoop, which leaves you a bit dazed. Instead, you grow to love Christopher as a character and how he sees the world. He enjoys his maths and physics, and also gives you equations, drawings and maps to look at. But his thinking, although he may see it as logical, isn't always so -- and that's what gets him into trouble. You've read it elsewhere, and you'll read it here, it's a dangereously fast read. So fast, you might miss things if you aren't careful.
I enjoy a book that I can get through in no-time-flat. I wish I could soar through all my books that way.